Monday, 7 April 2014


Presenting a couple of photos from the production stage. 
Panasonic of the location
Updating the clapper board for the next shot
"Overall, the team worked really well together. The schedule was stuck to, and, in general, everyone was happy and enjoyed themselves. I don't think it could have worked out any better"
- Emily White
Preparing for the next shot
Shooting the interrogation scene 
Discussing how to shoot the gun transportation sequence
"Things went slowly at first - the first day of filming particularly - but it soon picked up speed and couldn't have been smoother"
- Anthony Hadley
Filming the opening sequence
The camera
"I believe that the production went well on set but in hindsight I would have been tighter on the coverage and on the actors, and also taken up more of an over-watch on post-production - but in conclusion I believe it went well"
- Elliot Bell

Fixing the locket (again)
Using the reflector
Putting the camera on the shoulder rig
"The production went extremely well. Everything ran smoothly as the group were well prepared, and the run through the day before was helpful to the relationship between the characters and their lines. We also managed to get plenty of footage for the film without running out of time"
- Shannon Hoey

Practicing another transportation sequence 
Filming the interrogation scene
Checking costume, makeup and props
Transferring the video and audio footage
Fixing the tripod
Tracking dots
Shooting the fight sequence
Enjoying the food and hot beverages (mmm coffee)
Back to filming
Close ups
The last shot
The team - all finished

Monday, 31 March 2014

Risk Assessment

This is the Risk Assessment for the location that will be used on set. Usually, when making such documents, the risks are assessed and dated before going to the location, and are then re-assessed and dated when on set, just in case anything else needs to be added to the list.


The production stage is now complete - photographs and more blogs on this to come soon!

Thursday, 27 March 2014

Call Sheet for the shoot

Cinematography references

This is one referenced clip that has influenced the cinematography of the film 'Apportation'; the way the camera is held, the types of shots achieved, lighting etc...


There are several props that will need to be acquired for filming, including a table and chairs. These however will not be easy to transport to the location, and will need to be either accessible near or in the filming location.

Other props include fake knives, prop pistols, a sack (pillow case), handcuffs and key, playing cards and a locket.

The weapons were difficult to acquire due to availability, but alternative possibilities included:

* Holster with plastic knife

* Retractable blade - fake knife

Due to the contacts that one of the actors had, we were also able to acquire several prop guns and a rubber knife. It was important to find the safest option possible, and to ensure that there was someone on set who was trained in using them and was able to instruct others.

For the locket, it was decided that it would need to be large enough to be noticed, but not too expensive for monetary reasons and the fact that the context would require the prop to be altered visually. This was the one that was brought:

* Ebay Locket

Wednesday, 26 March 2014